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Summer to Autumn

It’s official…..the children are back to school, the nights are getting darker, and everyone is wondering how long they can hold out before putting the heating on. Yes it’s that time again it’s Autumn.

So it’s time to dig out the warm jumpers, start thinking about whose house you are going to for Christmas but most importantly, what Autumn hair style you are going to rock.

At Beyond Hair we have seen that the choice of colour tends to be auburn, dark brown or natural black and the lengths start at 12” to keep the neck and ears warm in the colder evenings. But that doesn’t mean it has to be boring. You can opt for some highlights or how about two shades of brown to create an ombre look.

We find that Autumn and Winter are when most of our customers opt for a lace frontal style. It allows you to fully protect your hear from heat damage whilst adding versatility to your look. If you haven’t tried out one of our frontals yet, we suggest you try it out this Autumn. They come in a variety of middle, side or freestyle partings and they can be dyed in any colour.

Or perhaps you refuse to accept the Autumn season is here with a bang so what about a beautiful shade of purple or green under natural black. That way the colour will peek through as your hair naturally flows and sways.

Either way autumn doesn’t have to be doom and gloom. At Beyond Hair we can recommend the perfect Autumn style for you so why don’t you pop in for a consultation.

Hope to see you soon x

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